The Solution to Healthier Air

Linfen, China

Some measures we can take to reduce the problem in China is to switch to other sources of alternative energy. Aside from alternate energy like solar panels, wind turbines and hydroelectric sources you could take public transportation such as trains and buses to conserve fuel and as well as help the environment by not polluting it and cause it to look like Linfen, China.Another feasible solution would be to widely distribute and produce alternative energy vehicles that run on electricity, such as the Nissan Leaf, Prius, and Chevrolet Prius, which are more accessible vehicles to the general public than expensive automobiles, such as Teslas. The usage of electric vehicles can create a huge difference within a matter of months on China's pollution levels. The massive problem with China's air pollution needs to be put to an end to not only save the people in China from harm, but to help save the world. China must go green in order to effectively reduce the amount of air pollution they have.

As a solution to the problem we propose a model air filtration bike that has a filter, which removes air pollution and turns it into clean air as you pedal along. This could potentially prove to be useful in removing the polluted air if many Chinese citizens owned and used this bike daily, and bikes are not expensive, which makes them very accessible to basically everyone. If practically every Chinese citizen were to own this bike, it could result in long term results in cleaning up the air pollution and creating a more stable environment for tomorrow's generation worldwide, and specifically in China. The problem could be fixed within a matter of years if this bike was widely distributed.