Data Relating GPA vs. Sleep and Gaming

How does GPA correlate to the hours slept durin a week and the amount of gaming done?

Inspired by the chart above, for our research question we compared that students that have a GPA of 2.0-2.49 nearly get 6 hours of sleep, students with a GPA of 2.5-2.99 get about 7 hours of sleep, students with 3.0- 3.49 get about 6-7 hours of sleep, students with a GPA of 3.5-4.0 get 7 hours of sleep and students over a 4.0 get 6 hours of sleep, any students with a below 2.0 get 6 hours of sleep. Thes research shows us that the amount of sleep nearly stays the same but it just means that more students are mores dedicated to their work. We passed out an online survey to every Advisory class in the school, and received 393 responses, out of approximately 600 students in the school. At first glance, the data seems to be fairly optimistic, as all students report how many hours of sleep they get.

This made us wonder if there was a correlation between students’ experience and the corrilation between their sleep and their age. The guess would be that as students have a higher GPA they would get less of a time of sleep then those compared to the students who have a low GPA then would sleep more. To test this, we made a stacked bar chart representing the percentage of students who sleep more given by their overall GPA.

Students with a GPA of 2.5-3.4 usually tend to play more video games than any other students because they get more playing time.

I believed that the data will show that the students with the highest GPA will be able to sleep less because of the work that they stay up at night doing homework or studying. We did this to see if the number adds up to our hypothesis that was to see that higher students get a better GPA that low students that have a lower GPA and have more sleep.

Finally, we explored the link between GPA and Hours slept and games of hours played per week would be higher for "B" type of students overall and so the conclusion comes to be at the point where top achieving students get less sleep and less time to play video games that those below them because they have work to complete. Also lower students have more time to sleep because they are lazy and dont really care this is also known as "senioritis" that they are sleeping and not caring about school and also invest time to play games that is what the results of our chats show us..

This is a crediable and reliable type of error because that shows that we are confident in our experiment.